Star Trek Online PC Patch Notes for 1/7/20
Date: 2020-01-08 08:35:53
Event Campaign I – Part 3(Final Event!):
- This will be the final event that will participate in this Campaign, marking your last chance at receiving its reward.
- Event Campaigns are a new multi-event system where players can participate in a series of upcoming events in order earn a Zen Store coupon for a Tier-6 Starship of their choice!
- The Borg Resurgence Event presents remastered versions of three of the most popular Borg Task Force Operations and pits you against the implacable advance of The Borg.
- Any of the participating TFOs from the following list will complete your Daily Progress:
- Infected: The Conduit (Space).
- Khitomer Vortex (Space).
- Into the Hive (Ground).
- Additional Event Campaign Progress can be earned by participating in Bonus Days, after the Grand Prize of an eligible event is claimed.
For more information, please visit the "The Borg Resurgence!" blog at:
- The Borg Resurgence Event:
- The Borg Resurgence Event presents remastered versions of three of the most popular Borg Task Force Operations and pits you against the implacable advance of The Borg.
- The following Borg Task Force Operations have been updated for this Event, adding voiceovers, and improvements on their presentation and mechanics to provide an even better player experience.
- Infected: The Conduit (Space)
- Khitomer Vortex (Space)
- Into the Hive (Ground)
- Advanced versions of these TFOs are also available as well, and for the first time since the introduction of a 3-tier difficulty system for TFOs, we are pleased to announce that the Borg Resurgence Event will also introduce Elite versions of these re-mastered experiences.
- The following Borg Task Force Operations have been updated for this Event, adding voiceovers, and improvements on their presentation and mechanics to provide an even better player experience.
- This event will last for 3 weeks and Captains can earn an all new reward!
- Complete the TFO on 14 different days to earn the set of Cyclical Modulation Ground Weaponry (Pistol, Rifle, Assault) for their entire account, in addition to marks, dilithium, and three Featured TFO Reward Boxes.
- This box gives your choice of an Enhanced Universal Tech Upgrade or a Captain Specialization Point Box.
- There will be a buyout option associated with the Event, which can be purchased from the Zen Store to receive 10 Featured TFO Commendations and 1 Ultimate Tech Upgrade.
- The Borg Resurgence Event presents remastered versions of three of the most popular Borg Task Force Operations and pits you against the implacable advance of The Borg.
- Rewards:
- All players may complete any of the three Remastered Borg TFO's in order to earn their Daily Progress once every 20 hours, in addition to TFO’s standard rewards.
- Earn a total of 14 days’ worth of Daily Progress to become eligible to claim all of these rewards:
- Cyclic Modulation Ground Weaponry Pack
- Once earned, every character on your account will be able to claim this set of ground weapons for themselves, including a Pistol, Rifle, and an Assault variant.
- 50,000 Dilithium Ore (once only).
- 3x Featured TFO Reward Boxes (once only).
- Each gives a choice of 1x Specialization Point or an Enhanced Universal Tech Upgrade.
- Cyclic Modulation Ground Weaponry Pack
- Bonus Rewards:
- After claiming the Grand Prize, you will unlock the option of earning additional Dilithium Ore each day, beginning at 2,500 Dilithium Ore for the first day's completion.
- Zen Buyout Option:
- For players interested in instantly completing the the Borg Resurgence Event, we will be offering an updated method for buying out.
- Within the new Event UI, an option will be presented that allows you to purchase the remaining progress that you need, for a scaling amount of Zen.
- For players interested in instantly completing the the Borg Resurgence Event, we will be offering an updated method for buying out.
- A Second Chance:
- Progress after the Event has ended will remain in an all new Second Chance interface, allowing the option to buyout rewards long after the Event has expired.
- Cyclical Modulation Ground Weaponry:
- Cyclical Modulation Ground Weaponry pack is a new reward for completing the The Borg Resurgence Event on 14 different days.
- These weapons have standardized primary and secondary firing modes, while their unique aspect lies in the tertiary firing mode.
- These weapons utilize a "Cyclic Modulation" ability in this slot.
- Activating Cyclic Modulation causes the weapon to change what energy type it is firing.
- This cycle proceeds along the following cycle:
- Phaser -> Disruptor -> Plasma -> Tetryon -> Polaron -> Antiproton -> Phaser (etc.)
- Each time these weapons have their energy type cycled, they will also gain multiple charges of a special penetration buff that can bypass a portion of enemies’ shields and damage resistances.
- Cyclical Modulation Weaponry also have brand new weapon appearances never previously available.
- For more information, please visit the "The Borg Resurgence!" blog at:
- Legacy Progress:
- Veteran players that have participated in previous Featured TFOs may still be in possession of multiple "Featured TFO Commendation" items, which are no longer used in the new Event System.
- Players that still have these will be able to turn them in for Daily Progress and Event Campaign Progress.
- Each upcoming eligible event will have an option to Apply Legacy Progress to the requirements present.
- For those of you who had past Featured TFO projects still slotted in the old Event Reputation UI, those projects will be auto-completed, granting you the rewards.
For more information, please visit the "The Borg Resurgence!" blog at:
- Added Filtering and Item Searching for all areas of the inventory window.
- Added the Type 8, Type 8B Materials and the Type 5 and Type 6 windows to the Guardian Class Cruiser.
- Resolved an issue that was preventing buyouts of the Winter Event from properly processing, now that the Event has ended.
- Ground Borg will now adapt slower to weapons that have a lot of damage tics per firing cycle.
- Resolved an issue that prevented the Fiery Entrance Starship Trait from critically hitting.
- Resolved an issue that prevented the Fiery Entrance Starship Trait from working correctly with Narrow Sensor Bands.
- Resolved an issue that could prevent Very Cold in Space II and III from functioning.