Blizzard Has Added Sylverian Dreamer Mount - Reward for 6-Month Subscription

Date: 2019-06-28 03:00:10

Blizzard has added another shop mount as a reward for a 6 month subscription. You can also purchase the mount separately for $25. The half-year subscription plus the Sylverian Dreamer mount is $77.94, the equivalent of $12.99 per month. Players who already have a running 6-month subscription will receive the mount for free sometime in early July. If this applies to you and you still don't have it, exit your launcher and restart it. They might be sending out the gifts in waves so maybe some patience is in order.

Blizzard Has Added Sylverian Dreamer Mount - Reward for 6-Month Subscription

An artist in the magical city of Dalaran fell asleep on her brush and dreamed of painting a beautiful feathered dragon. Her artwork leapt from the page, and when she awoke, she found the Sylverian Dreamer sleeping gently beside her.

Some players are reporting that the mount cannot be purchased for BattleNet Balance which can be acquired through the use of in-game gold. It appears that it is a cash-only purchase.

Blizzard ran a similar promotion in late 2018 for the Dreadwake mount that came with a 6-month subscription. Once you've purchased the 6 Month subscription from the Blizzard Shop, the Sylverian Dreamer mount will be automatically added to your in-game collection. Welcome this enchanting addition to your assortment of mounts! It was not able to be purchased separately, however, until months later.

Blizzard Has Added Sylverian Dreamer Mount - Reward for 6-Month Subscription

Players on an existing 6-month recurring subscription with a future renewal date will receive the Sylverian Dreamer mount at no additional charge, no later than July 8, 2019.

Check out the World of Warcraft site to learn more.