Buy Fallout 76 Bottle Caps PC

How To Buy & Trade

1. PC players please provide the correct Bethesda ID, XBOX players please provide the correct XBOX Tag, PS4 players please provide the correct PSN ID.

2. We will add you as a friend in the game, please accept the friend request.

3. After adding a friend, please wait in the place, we will enter your world and move quickly to your side.

4. We will initiate a trade request with you. Please accept the request. If you have not recive friend request over 30 mins then contract our livechat please!
5. The maximum amount of caps is 25000 in your backpackIf you purchased over 25000 caps, the rest amount will be sent to you by Nuka Cola. 
For example, you purchased 30000 caps, we will send 25000 caps and 5000 Nuka Cola to you.
(If you ordered Bottle Caps, then please sell an item for the amount of Caps your puchased, we will buy your item; if you bought the item, we will sell that item for 0 Cap, you can complete the trade by clicking on the purchase. )

Note: The single item limit is 5000 caps. If you buy 7000, you need to sell one item for 5000 and another item for 2000!